At-Home Family Fun Ideas from Kiper Homes

At-Home Family Fun Ideas from Kiper Homes | Kiper Homes

At-Home Family Fun Ideas from Kiper Homes | Kiper HomesWith many families spending more time together at home, incorporating some family fun activities is more important than ever. If you’re looking for some engaging family fun activities that are sure to bring everyone together, our team at Kiper Homes has just the ideas for you!

Get your bake on.

On a day spent indoors, nothing warms up the home and stomach more than some freshly baked goodies. Dig into your cookbooks or look online to find the recipes you’d like to bake. For even more fun, look specifically for recipes that allow for a bit of creative freedom and customization with both ingredients and decorations.

Build a fort.

Let your imagination run wild by creating the fort of your childhood dreams with the family. The best part about building an indoor fort is that you can easily use whatever is lying around the house whether it be sheets, blankets, pillows, furniture or even some cardboard boxes. Build a fort together as a family or show off your creativity with individual forts.

Play some games.

Break out the family favorite board games for a bit of friendly competition that everyone will enjoy. Of course, you don’t have to have board games to have a family game night. A classic game of Charades or Would you Rather are other fun, interactive options that will have everyone entertained.

Relax with a movie night.

Put on your pajamas, pop some popcorn, choose a fun family movie and enjoy a cinematic experience for a fraction of the cost of going to a theatre. Movie nights are a wonderful way to gather together and are an easy family event to incorporate into your weekly routine. Enjoy your movie night from your home’s living room, California room or even from the comfort of your newly built indoor fort.

Practice yoga.

Not only does yoga increase flexibility, but it also reduces stress, allows for better sleep and helps to create a more peaceful environment. Not only that, but it is fun to do as well. Lay out a mat and make a mini-yoga session part of your family’s routine.

Get puzzling.

Puzzles have risen to popularity this year as an entertaining activity that is great for the mind and great for passing time. Whether the puzzle is 100 or 1,000 pieces, it is sure to keep your family’s mind sharp and fingers busy. After completing the puzzle, tear it apart to put it together again or Mod Podge the pieces to create a statement art piece that can be displayed in the home.

Conduct a science experiment.

Everyone could benefit from a little learning, and at-home science experiments are a great way to do just that. Make a homemade lava lamp, create a baking soda volcano, mix up some slime or put together a tornado in a bottle. There are endless experiments available online that are just as fun as they are educational.

Do some stargazing.

When nighttime rolls around, head outdoors and admire the stars overhead. Stargazing is a great way to not only unwind and relax but also learn about the constellations as a family. Print out some maps and look up into the stars and see what constellations your family can find together. There are also several app options that provide a handheld planetarium – simply point your smartphone or device to the sky to identify stars, constellations and more.

Learn a new craft

In general, learning a new craft is fun but doing so together as a family makes it even more enjoyable. Some fun crafts and hobbies to consider include knitting, jewelry making, woodworking and gardening. Be creative and think of ways you can use these crafts and hobbies to benefit your family and home.

Dive into the family memories.

What better way to bond as a family than to reminisce over family memories? Pull out the scrapbooks, photo albums, memory boxes and old family videos and gather for an evening laughing over cherished family memories from years past.

What family fun activities will be finding their way to your Kiper home? To explore Kiper Homes communities throughout Northern California in Hollister, Lathrop and coming soon to Manteca, visit